A Different God

There is a chilling moment in Michener’s novel, Hawaii, when a group of savages are dancing before their gods. One of the savages holds his baby high in the air, and as an act of worship to a pagan god, throws it onto a stone altar, cracking the child's skull and instantly killing it. 

Looking on, the savage's wife says, “My husband is not a bad man. With a different god, he would be a different man.” 

When I read this, I thought that without God’s grace and forgiveness in our lives, we would all be our own breed of savage, serving a god of our own making. 

Oswald Chambers said it best, when he wrote, “If the Spirit of God has given you a vision of what you are apart from the grace of God...you know there is no criminal who is half so bad in actuality, as you know yourself to be in possibility.” 

How true! Without the grace of God in our lives, we are lost in our trespasses and sins. It is God’s grace that makes the difference in our lives! 

Friend, if we believe the God of the universe loved us enough to send His Only Son, Jesus, to forgive our sins, and make us His children, I believe we will want to share His Good News with others. 

Please help us continue preaching the one true God to men and women who worship gods of their own making – drugs, violence, alcohol, prostitution, and the list goes on. But our God, the God of the Bible, sets captives free – even me! 


Willie L. Jordan 

(Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions