A Silent Sermon

An elderly pastor announced that he would preach a sermon on the love of God that evening. 

The congregation stood in silence, and when the last glint of color had faded from the windows, the elderly pastor took a candle from the altar. Walking to the life-size figure of Christ on the cross, he held the light beneath the wounds of the feet, then His hands, then His side. Still, without a word, he shined the light on Christ’s thorn-crowned brow.

That was his sermon. The people stood in silence and wept. They knew they were at the center of mystery beyond their knowing, that they were looking at the love of God, the image of the invisible God, giving Himself for us – a love so deep, so inclusive, so expansive, so powerful, so complete that the mind could not comprehend nor measure it, or words express it. 

We are all drawn to the purpose and the power of the Cross, for that is where we see God’s love in all its glory. Everything we need is found in the Cross. I recall Jeremy Camp’s lyrics, “Everybody needs forgiveness, the kindness of a Savior.”

Friend, we are all sinners. But God sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for our sins on that old rugged cross. 

Jesus saves! I need your prayers and your partnership as we share this Good News of the Cross here on Skid Row in Los Angeles.


Willie Jordan

Fred Jordan Missions