Alexander the Great

The story is told of Alexander the Great, that one day as he was heading home from a victorious battle, he came upon a beggar by the roadside asking for alms. Initially, his men tried to send the beggar away.

The poor, wretched beggar had no claim upon the ruler, yet the Emperor threw him several gold coins. A noble man traveling with the ruler was shocked at his generosity and said, "Sir, a copper coin would meet the beggar's need. Why give him gold?"

Alexander the Great responded as a king responds, "Copper coins would suit the beggar's need, but gold coins suit Alexander's giving."

Sounds like Jesus, doesn’t it? He didn’t give us what we deserve. Rather, God gave His best, His Only Son, Jesus.

My late husband, Fred Jordan, practiced this principle of generosity here at the Mission. He often said that people on these streets have been rejected by family and friends, and cast aside by society – but here at the Mission we would always treat each person with dignity and respect, just as Jesus would treat them.

That’s why we open our arms and our hearts to the needy, the sick, the homeless, drug addicts, alcoholics, ex-convicts, prostitutes, abused mothers and frightened little children.


Willie L. Jordan

(Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Jasmin Balboa