All the Children of the World

“Jesus loves the little children, All the children of the world, Red and Yellow, Black and White, All are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

Most of us learned this little song when we were children. We taught it to our children. But did you realize this song is based upon Scripture? Several times the Bible tells that during Jesus’ earthly ministry, He interacted with children. He held children in His arms, He blessed them, loved them, healed them, and He rebuked His disciples for trying to keep children away from Him. The Bible is clear: Jesus loves the little children of the world, just as this old song says. 

I’ve had the amazing privilege of sharing the love of Jesus with children around the world - - 

Chinese refugee children in Hong Kong, where we built eight Christian Day Schools to educate 3,000 children from Red China; 

Children deep in the African bush, where the Mission built several Christian Schools for hundreds of little children in Liberia and Ghana; 

Children orphaned by the Korean war, as well as orphans fathered and abandoned by American GIs, where we built an orphanage in the 1950s. Today, more than 60 years later, we continue to love, care for and educate hundreds of developmentally challenged children in Seoul; 

Japanese children in post-war Japan, where we built three orphanages for hundreds of war orphans, as well as abandoned GI babies. 

Here at Fred Jordan Mission, on America’s Skid Row we feed and bless little children from across America, and from countries around the world.

And in all our ministries to children around the world, we have one common theme: We tell every child that God loves them, we explain God’s simple plan of salvation, and we pray with them to receive Jesus as Savior. 

For it was Jesus, Himself, who said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, … and He took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” 

Jesus took the children into His arms, and He blessed them. Please, will you help us bless the children, in Jesus’ Name?


Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions