"Are you saved?"
I was seven years of age when I realized I was a sinner. I asked God to forgive me of my sins, and make me His child. The next morning, I ran up to my teacher, and asked her, “Are you saved?” She looked at me and said, “Saved from what?”
From the moment, I received Christ as my Savior, I instinctively knew I should tell others about Him. When Jesus called Simon Peter, James, and John, He said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They spent their time as fishermen, but the God of the universe called them to fish for the souls of men. And you and I have been given this same holy calling.
But sadly, far too many Christians get nervous with the whole concept of personal soul-winning. We make all kinds of excuses that prevent us from giving serious attention to our calling to be witnesses of our faith.
Too often we think of witnessing as difficult, rather than part of the natural flow of our daily walk with the Lord. When Jesus encountered Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, and the rich young ruler, their conversations weren’t formal, or structured. They "just happened," so to speak. It was a normal part of His life. And in the normal course of conversation, Jesus simply talked with each one on an individual, personal level. Jesus saw each one as an individual, and He spoke to the individual needs of each one.
You and I are out in the swirling sea of life, surrounded by people who desperately need to know that God has a plan for their lives. Some people think that sharing the gospel is a matter of becoming more aggressive, but that is not the issues. The real issue is that we should be more sensitive to the subtle leading of the Holy Spirit. And when we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, we will be more sensitive to people and their pain. We don't have to be theologians to be a witness. All we need to know is, “One I was blind, but now I see.”
Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)