Atheist Loses Faith

George Bernard Shaw was a brilliant but caustic British 20th century author and playwright. When asked about his religious beliefs he replied, “I’m an atheist, thank God.”

Shaw bitterly attacked the concept of God and saw a life of faith as futile, and religion a crutch. He saw London’s poverty, slums, drunkenness and hungry children, and he bitterly attacked the church for doing so little.

Shaw was not a follower of Christ, but he felt the church had unlimited potential to meet those needs.

And even though Shaw was an atheist, when one reads his writings, it is evident that he saw what a potent and powerful force Christianity could be if it were lived out with integrity and passion.

At the end of his life Shaw wrote: "The science to which I pinned my faith is bankrupt. I believed them once. In their name, I helped to destroy the faith of millions of worshippers in the temples of a thousand creeds. And now they look at me, and witness the great tragedy of an atheist who has lost his faith."

A reported asked Shaw, “If you could live your life over, and be anybody, who would you choose to be?” Shaw replied, “I would choose to be the man George Bernard Shaw could have been and never was.”

Friend, don’t come to the end of your life, and regret who you could have been, and never were, like George Bernard Shaw. Choose to become a child of God, through His Son, Jesus Christ.

If we can help you become a follower of Jesus, please go to our website, Or write to me here at the Mission, Willie Jordan, PO Box 12345, Covina, CA 91722.

God bless you for being a friend to the homeless and hungry, especially during this Thanksgiving season.


Willie L. Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions