Dwight L Moody’s Greatest Mistake (Part 2)

Dwight L. Moody said that he made the greatest mistake of his life the night of October 8, 1871, when the great Chicago fire nearly destroyed the entire city. Hundreds died, some who earlier that evening had been in Moody’s audience.

He concluded his gospel message that night by asking the question, “What will you do with Jesus?’” Then Moody added, “I wish you would seriously consider this subject, for next Sunday we will speak about the cross, and at that time I’ll ask again, ‘What will YOU do with Jesus?”

Little did anyone in attendance know that these words would be the last ever heard in that huge arena, for even as he closed the service, the Great Chicago Fire was already burning, and hundreds died.

As you can well imagine, the evangelist was in deep grief over his tragic mistake in failing to give his audience the opportunity to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior that horrible evening.

“Now, whenever I preach,” Moody said later, “I press for a definite decision. I would rather lose my right hand than give people even a day to decide for Christ, for I don’t know if I’ll ever see them again. The Gospel invitation is a ‘today only’ offer!”

Moody called it his “greatest mistake,” but the Lord used his mistake to ignite and motivate the remainder of his life and ministry.

I talked with an alcoholic here on the streets of Skid Row who used to be a pastor. He had made mistakes in his life, but instead of asking God’s forgiveness and help to rebuild his life, he walked away from God.

Friend, what about you today? No matter what mistakes you’ve made, you CAN begin again. If you need help to find God, please go our website, www.fjm.org.


Willie Jordan

(Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Jasmin Balboa