From Skid Row, to the World

My late husband, Fred Jordan, founded this ministry in 1944, to share Jesus, the Bread of Life for the soul, and to share bread, the staff of life for the body.

When Fred came to these streets back in the 1940s, these were streets for “Men Only,” - - alcoholics, drug addicts, ex-convicts, men out of work, down on their luck - - and all were hungry. Fred opened his heart and his arms to them all.

But as the years passed, the faces on Skid Row changed, to include abandoned mothers with their babies, unwed teen moms, and young families. And the Mission expanded its services to serve this new generation of homeless people.

During those years, Fred’s personal evangelism school was training soul winners, and sending them around the world. And this ministry that began in 1944 as an outreach to homeless, unemployed alcoholics on the postwar streets of Los Angeles, expanded from the streets of Skid Row, to the world.

Thanks to the generous support and partnership of caring friends, Fred and I built children’s homes, schools, orphanages, hospitals, churches and missions in Asia, Latin America and West Africa, to serve the spiritual and physical needs of some of the world’s neediest people. And it all started here on Skid Row!

My late husband, Fred Jordan, was a man of great vision, faith, and action. His dynamic leadership directed the Mission until 1988, when the Lord called him home. And although Fred is gone, the Vision Continues. We are still preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and meeting the physical and spiritual needs of poor, helpless, hungry people – here on Skid Row, and around the world.

That’s why I invite you to join our team of soul winning servants. Please phone our toll-free number, 1-844-FJM-FOOD. Use a credit card for your gift when you phone, or donate online,

Together, we will share the gospel with lost, hungry souls who wander the streets and back alleys of Skid Row, searching for meaning to their lives. Together, we will feed hungry people who still search for their ‘daily bread.’


Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions