Glory of Christmas Came to Skid Row
The glory of Christmas came to the streets and back alleys of Skid Row, thanks to the generosity of friends like you!
The glory of Christmas came to Skid Row! Familiar carols filled the air. Colorful lights and beautifully decorated Christmas trees filled the Mission.
Delicious Christmas meals were served. Warm blankets, new jackets, family food bags, and even new toys were distributed to needy children.
This past year we shared God’s love with hurting families and children here on the dangerous streets of Skid Row, and in the darkest corners of the inner city, thanks to the financial partnership of caring friends.
But homelessness continues to grow at an alarming rate, and the spike in violent crime on the streets around the Mission is frightening.
But I know that in order to continue serving even more of God’s neediest children in the year ahead, we must end this year in the black.
That’s why I am asking you to prayerfully consider making a significant year-end donation to help us share the gospel on these mean streets, and to feed and clothe some of God’s neediest children.
Make your year-end gift a blessing. You may make gifts of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or cash, and when completed by December 31st, it is deductible on your 2018 income tax.
Since 1944, Fred Jordan Mission has shared God’s love, fed the hungry, clothed the naked, and cared for “the least of these,” thanks to friends like you. Make your year-end gift a blessing.
Willie L. Jordan