Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! As we stand on the threshold of this New Year, may I ask you a question - - - How can I be of help to you?
When I have needed help to share God’s love with lost, hurting people on the dark streets of Skid Row, you have responded.
When I have needed food or blankets or clothing for hungry, homeless families and children, you have helped.
At the beginning of this New Year, I want you to “give back” to you, by praying for you, and for the things dear to your heart.
When the Lord took my dear husband, Fred, I could no longer lean on his strong faith and his wisdom, and I realized more than ever before the necessity of constant prayer for God’s wisdom, His strength and His power.
I've learned that only the inexpressibly sweet Presence of our gracious Lord can fill the empty places in our lives . . . only the tender touch of the Holy Spirit can mend hearts so broken that you wonder if they will ever beat again.
And when words alone are inadequate to carry the weight of the anguish I feel, my prayers to God become more groans than words. That’s when I understand what the great preacher, Charles Spurgeon, meant when he said: “Groanings which cannot be uttered are often prayers which cannot be refused.”
At the start of this New Year, I would like to have the honor of praying for you? Please go to our website, fjm.org, and share your prayer needs.
Willie L. Jordan