I am Spartacus

In 73 BC, a slave revolt under the gladiator and military leader, Spartacus, began against the Romans. Spartacus defeated many Roman armies in a conflict that lasted for over two years.

Spartacus was finally defeated in battle, and captured. He escaped his captors, but was recaptured, along with his men. A Roman general assembled all the slaves and announced, “You will remain slaves, but will be spared crucifixion, if you turn over Spartacus to us, since we don’t know him.”

Spartacus, wanting to protect his friends, stood and said, “I am Spartacus. But the rest of the slaves wanted to show their loyalty to him, and one slave stood and said, “I am Spartacus,” followed by another slave who stood, announcing that he was Spartacus. One by one, each slave stood, proclaiming himself to be Spartacus, confusing their captors, and choosing to share his fate by crucifixion.

Fictional? Probably, but this story also demonstrates a deep truth – Each man, by standing, knowingly chose death. They were loyal not simply to Spartacus, but they were loyal to the vision he inspired – a vision so compelling that no man could bear to give it up and return to slavery.

In 71 BC, 6,000 slaves, including Spartacus were crucified along the 100+ mile Appian Way from Rome to Capua.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish,” is a verse the Lord used to give me a vision for lost souls when I was still a teenager, and that vision has grown through the years.

That vision for the lost has taken me around the world to preach the gospel. That vision gets me up every morning, and that vision keeps me here on the streets of Skid Row today, sharing the Good News of the gospel with boys and girls who have their entire lives before them, and with men and women who are nearing eternity without a Savior.

Will you join me in this God-given vision to preach the gospel here on Skid Row? Or will you send an offering to help? 1-844-FJM-FOOD is our toll-free number, or donate through our website, fjm.org.

I don’t want people on these streets to die without Christ, simply because we don’t have God’s vision for His world!


Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Jasmin Balboa