Jesus Came to Rescue Us

A little first-grader ran into the classroom, yelling, "Teacher, two boys are fighting on the playground, and I think the one on the bottom wants you."

Do you sometimes feel like the little boy on the bottom on the playground, and your enemy is beating you up? Do you need someone to rescue you? The Good News is that God has sent Jesus Christ to rescue us. In fact, Jesus Himself said that he came to seek and to save, to rescue, those who are lost. 

God created us, but sin entered the world through Adam and Eve. But He loves us so much that He sent Christ to pay the penalty for our sins. We don’t have to let the devil beat us up, like the little boy on the playground. 

We were separated from Christ, without hope and without God in the world. But in Christ Jesus, we are brought near to God by the blood of Christ. He gave Himself in order to rescue us from our sin, to rescue us from hell.

God cares about all of His creation, and so must we. Family, friends, coworkers, and even people whom we don’t know. I urge you to share your faith today with at least one person you meet. It will bless your heart, and it may well change their eternal destiny. 

Will you help us today, as we share the gospel here on Skid Row, in Downtown Los Angeles? You may phone toll free, with your donation, 1-844-FJM-FOOD. Or donate through our secure website,


Willie Jordan

(Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions