Jesus is the Bread, with a Capital B

The Scriptures tell us that Jesus fed five thousand hungry people on that Galilean hillside. What a marvelous, unbelievable miracle! Five thousand men – plus an unknown number of women and children – were fed from a small lunch. All four gospels recorded this miracle. What an impression it left.

The biblical text says that bread was multiplied in Jesus' hands. The crowd went crazy when they saw this and wanted to name Jesus king, but He refused, and retreated to be alone with his disciples. It was during that time that Jesus walked on water.

But when Jesus began to talk about Bread with a capital “B,” they asked Him, "Can you give us a sign?" Jesus had fed more than 5,000 people, He walked across water, and they still wanted a sign! How very typical of our modern world. People love the spectacular, but miss the larger picture.

The disciples wanted to send the people away. But Jesus cared for all of their needs. He saw the immediate needs of their stomachs, but he knew they also had a deeper hunger. Here at Fred Jordan Mission, we believe that evangelism and social action go hand-in-hand. We preach Jesus, the Bread of Life as the only answer for our hungry souls, and then we feed bread to hungry bodies, because Jesus is concerned about our physical needs.

My late husband, Fred Jordan, who founded the Mission, often said that it is meaningless to tell a desperate mother that God loves her, when her little children are starving. And no man or woman will welcome your message of God’s love when they haven’t eaten in days.

Too many believers focus on preaching the gospel while ignoring the poor. But look at the life of Jesus - - He laid aside His royal robes, was born in a stable, shed His blood to take away our sin, and He also cared about our physical needs. If you have food in your cupboards and your refrigerator, that shows that Jesus cares for you just as He cared for the 5,000 hungry people on the hillside.

Our loving Jesus is still providing physical bread for the body, and He is the Bread of Life for the soul. Will you partner with us in this ministry of compassion? You may use a credit card when you donate on our secure website, Or mail you check to me, Willie Jordan, PO BOX 12345, Covina, CA 91722.


Willie Jordan

(Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions