Loved When Dying

"Every human being deserves to have somebody loving them while they are dying,” said Mother Teresa. 

When Mother Teresa saw people dying in the streets of Calcutta she was so moved that, on her own, she dragged their dying bodies into a deserted Hindu temple which she had cleaned up. 

"Every human being deserves to have somebody loving them while they are dying," Mother Teresa said. She felt that everyone deserved to die with dignity, knowing they are loved and wanted. 

One of her nurses told a visitor, "An interesting thing is happening. We accept only those who are dying of a terminal disease to come to our “Home for the Dying.” But the amazing thing is that when they come here and feel the love of Christ, they are filled with Hope and many of them stop dying. In fact, we're thinking of changing our name to "Home for the Living!”

Fred Jordan Mission is a “Home for the Living,” here in the heart of Skid Row. I need your help to give life and hope to precious souls who are dead in their trespasses and sins – homeless, hungry, and with no one in the world to care if they live or die. 

Yes, when they come to the Mission, they are dying, but we share with these forgotten friends the fact that they are loved by the God of the universe, and through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, they can become His child. New life! New Hope! Eternity with Him!

Please help us share this glorious Good News. Help dying men, dying women, and dying children find new life in Jesus. 

1-844-FJM-FOOD is your toll-free number. Help us feed hungry, lonely, dying people who look to us for their “daily bread.” Or you may use a credit card to donate on our website,

Willie L. Jordan 
(Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions