Preaching the Gospel is Always First

Skid Row is a dangerous, filthy, heartbreaking, violent, ugly place. 

These are streets of broken dreams, crushed spirits and shattered lives – streets of sad, lonely, forgotten people. Abandoned by family, ignored by friends, and rejected by society, the women, children and men on the Skid Row streets are homeless, hungry, poor and alone, with no one to know, or care, if they live or die.

The Bible shows that our God is concerned with the plight of the poor, and His response to their needs is active compassion. When Jesus saw the multitudes, "He was moved with compassion." He reached out to those at the bottom of society: the poor, children, lepers, prostitutes and tax collectors. 

Fred Jordan Mission is located on Skid Row, in the heart of Los Angeles, the Homeless Capital of the nation and the Hungriest County in America. We follow the pattern set by Jesus on that hillside so long ago: first, He taught the multitudes, and then He fed them. 

I am committed to feed and care for hungry children and adults, but be assured that here at the Mission, the preaching of the gospel will always come first – and then we serve them good, nourishing food!

I need your prayers, and I need your help. Thank you!


Willie Jordan

Fred Jordan Missions