Skid Row for MEN ONLY?

When my late husband, Fred Jordan founded the Mission in 1944, Skid Row was a place for men only – drunks, winos, ex-convicts, and drug addicts. There were NO WOMEN on the streets, Thank God!

But sadly, times have changed, and we now serve homeless, hungry women and children. In fact, America has more homeless women and children than any other industrialized nation. 

I need your help this Mother’s Day, as we honor these mothers with a delicious meal, fresh flowers, and small personal gifts of soap, shampoo, lotions, and tooth brushes for moms, and even small gifts for their children.

When my seven children were young, Fred and I taught them God’s Word, they memorized Bible verses, and we prayed with them every day, that they would receive God’s free gift of salvation. We also prayed that they would love the Lord and follow His plan for their lives.

Most of these abused, abandoned women on Skid Row didn’t have praying parents, and now they don’t know how to pray for their own children. I would like to give them the gift of our prayers, yours and mine. If you will pray for moms and kids here in the inner city, may I give them your first name, and tell them you are praying for them?

Please go to our website,, give me your name. Or write to me, Willie Jordan, PO BOX 12345, Covina, CA 91722, PO BOX 12345, Covina, 91722. 


Willie Jordan