Song for a Queen

Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee was attended by more than 50 foreign kings, princes and the governing heads from all her British colonies. But at one great event, something unexpected happened.

Among the vast number of dignitaries that traveled to England for Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee was an envoy from the island of Madagascar, located off the Southeast African coast. After expressing the good wishes of his country, he surprised Her Majesty by asking permission to sing for her. Those assembled thought he would choose one of his country's pagan songs, but were amazed when he sweetly sang,

"Rock of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee,

Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed,

Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath, and make me pure."

His rendition brought tears to the eyes of the queen and many others in that illustrious gathering.

The hymn writer, Augustus Toplady, came to Christ at the age of 16 at an evangelistic meeting in a barn in rural Ireland. The sermon was preached by an illiterate layman, and yet he pointed the youth to Jesus Christ, whom Isaiah called the Rock of Ages. It was from this expression that the young convert wrote one of the greatest hymns in the English language, "Rock of Ages" while seeking shelter in the cleft of a rock during a violent thunderstorm.

The young man studied for the ministry, but he died of tuberculosis when he was only 38. However, the lyrics he wrote still live on!

Friend, if you need a firm foundation in your life, that solid Rock of Ages is found in Jesus Christ.

We proclaim Jesus Christ, our solid Rock of Ages every day here on the streets of Skid Row, thanks to YOU who partner with us. Please help us feed hungry hearts and hungry bodies by becoming a monthly Impact Partner. Thank you!


Willie Jordan

Fred Jordan Missions