
Summer in downtown Los Angeles is nothing short of miserable. When you live in a tent, or a one-room flophouse, there’s no escaping the heat. It radiates from the concrete, the asphalt, and the buildings. Worse yet, drinking water is in short supply.

Summer is miserable here on the streets of Skid Row, and the heat is relentless. So, all summer long, we’re sending teams of staff and volunteers out into the streets with grocery bags full of individual bottles of water. Along with that life-giving water, we’re sharing Jesus, the Living Water.

We need your help to buy food and water for all our extra street outreaches during this summer of salvation here on Skid Row. 

Sadly, one-third of the nation’s chronically homeless population live here in Los Angeles County, and their numbers continue to rise. A government report states that our chronically homeless population has grown by 55 percent in the last three years. Even more tragically, there has been a 55% increase in homeless women here on Skid Row, where they are victims of violent physical and sexual abuse. 

More than 70 years ago, God called my late husband, Fred Jordan to open the Mission here in the heart of Skid Row, in downtown Los Angeles. This city is now the homeless capital of the nation, and for more than 70 years we have shared God’s love with people in desperate physical and spiritual need.

But we have never done this good work – God’s work – alone! The message of God’s love and forgiveness is shared every day, thanks to compassionate friends like you, who pray for us, and support this ministry. 

Your gift today will help us to continue sharing this Good News, and feeding hungry people. Use a credit card or EFT when you go to our website,, or when you phone toll free, 1-844-FJM-FOOD. If it is more convenient, mail your donation to me, Willie Jordan, PO BOX 12345, Covina, CA 91722. 

Join us from the streets of Skid Row, on the Mission’s weekly television show, Sunday mornings, 8:00 AM, KCOP-TV, Channel 13. 


Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions