Thank you for 2023!
Before we say goodbye to 2023, I want stop, and thank caring friends like you, who have supported the Mission’s outreach to the poor during this past year, through your faithful financial gifts.
Whenever we’ve needed hot, nourishing food for hungry families here on Skid Row, you’ve been there to help.
When we’ve needed warm blankets for people that shiver in the cold, you’ve said, Yes.
When we’ve needed help for the thousands of children who count on us for new school clothes, good food, and even Christmas toys, you’ve responded.
And when we’ve needed your financial support for all of our Chapel services and Bible studies, your response has always warmed our hearts.
As this year draws to a close, will you prayerfully consider making a special year-end donation, so we can accept the challenges of the New Year?
Jesus said, “I was hungry and you gave Me food; thirsty and you gave Me drink; a stranger and you took Me in; naked and you clothed Me.”
This is our calling from God. Thank you for sharing this high and holy calling with us. Your special year-end donation will help us continue sharing the gospel of salvation with lost souls here on Skid Row.
Since 1944, Fred Jordan Mission has shared God’s love, fed the hungry, clothed the naked, and cared for “the least of these,” thanks to friends like you. Make your year-end gift a blessing.