The Cost of Discipleship

Have you ever thought what life was like for Jesus' disciples in the 50 years after his death? Before the last one died, their efforts had brought 500,000 men, women, and children to faith in Christ. But we seldom talk about what they suffered to accomplish this task. We like the results of their discipleship. But do we ignore the costs?

The disciples all witnessed Jesus' death by crucifixion. They walked and talked and ate with him after his resurrection. And when they were ordered not to speak about the resurrection, they responded, "We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." And for saying this, Peter was crucified upside down. Andrew died on a cross. James, the younger, was thrown from a pinnacle of the temple and then beaten to death. Bartholomew was flogged to death. James, the elder, was beheaded. John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos, where he died. Thomas, the doubter, was killed with a spear. Philip was hanged. Thaddeus was shot to death with arrows. Simon died on a cross. Matthew was stoned and then beheaded.

Why is the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ so important? Simply: it proves that he was everything he claimed to be—the Son of God.

Thank God that these men boldly proclaimed the resurrection - The Gospel. For it is the power of God unto salvation.

Please partner with us as we preach the gospel here on the streets of Skid Row. You may phone toll free, with your donation, 1-844-FJM-FOOD. Or donate through our secure website,


Willie L. Jordan

Jasmin Balboa