The REAL Fred Jordan

Fred Jordan founded the Mission, and I was honored to be his wife. People who didn’t know Fred, often ask me what he was REALLY like, not simply in public, but when he was at home with our family.

I am quick to say that Fred was the love of my life! I was honored to be the mother of his seven children, and I will always be grateful for the privilege of working together with him as we shared God’s love, and cared for the poor around the world, as well as here on Skid Row.

Fred was a hands-on father, he changed far more diapers than I did, and he even took the children shopping. The kids loved it! In fact, our first daughter, Miki, still talks about her father taking her shopping, and she still says he was always much more generous that I was!

Our children were blessed to have the loving hand of a good father, to gently guide them, to clearly lay down the guidelines and parameters, and to be the strong, godly example children need in a father.

Fred taught our sons to be gentlemen, not merely with words, but by his example. He always opened the car door for me, or the door to a building. He stood when a woman entered or left the room, he always helped me put on my coat.

Fred honored women, and he was protective of women – especially his wife, his mother, his sisters and his daughters. And today all four of our sons are perfect gentlemen, and their sons are learning the same from them, just as they learned from their father.

Fred often told me that his relationship with Jesus Christ would always come first in his life, but he always added with a smile, and that special twinkle in his eyes, “But that puts you in a pretty safe place, Baby, right after God!”

Fred and I had a very traditional marriage, and he was the head of our home, but I never walked behind him. We always walked together. Fred always encouraged me to develop the gifts the Lord had given me. He was my friend, hero, teacher, partner, beloved husband, inspiration, father of my children, and my loudest cheerleader.

Parents, let me share with you a few words of advice from my own life: Always keep your relationship with Christ first, and never forget that the greatest gift you can give to your children is to love each other.

And perhaps when your children grow up, they will echo the words I have heard from each one of our children - - “Mom, we want a marriage just like you and Dad had.”

These are just a few of the things about the REAL Fred Jordan, the man behind the Mission!


Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions