What About Our "Daily Bread?"

Except for the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection, the only other miracle recorded in the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is the story of Jesus multiplying the loaves and fish and feeding thousands.

I love this miracle because it shows Jesus’ concern for the most basic of man’s needs – the need for food.

This story demonstrates Jesus’ loving provision for His children, echoing the familiar story of God providing manna for the children of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness.

And this miracle shows to you and me the importance of trusting God to meet our needs. Surely Andrew must have wondered, “What good can we do with the lad’s five loaves and two fish?”

He knew, just as we know, that God can multiply whatever He wants, to feed as many people as He wants. He is God. But how many of us believe God cares about our personal needs?

The lad’s lunch was merely a drop in the bucket for the thousands gathered on the hillside. But when Jesus multiplied that small lunch, He showed His care about everything in our lives, even our hunger.

God meets our spiritual hunger through His Son, Jesus, the Bread of Life. And this miracle of feeding the multitudes shows God’s concern for our physical hunger, by providing our “daily bread.”

Please help me share Jesus, the Bread of Life for hungry souls here on Skid Row. And help me provide “daily bread” for hungry bodies.

You may use a credit card when you donate online, fjm.org. Or mail your donation check to me here at the Mission, Willie Jordan, PO BOX 12345, COVINA, CA 91722.

And when you thank God for your “daily bread,” please remember those who are hungry here on Skid Row.


Willie Jordan

Jasmin Balboa