What More Can He Do?

It seems that wherever I go I meet people who are searching for God, for faith, and a meaning to life. But they try to make it so difficult, when God has made it so easy, that even a child can understand.

I will never forget talking with a woman I had known for decades. She had turned her back on God many years earlier, and had gotten into a false religion, finally becoming the worldwide leader of that New Age religion. A highly successful woman, she was loved, and even worshipped by thousands as she traveled the world.

But now, she was terminally ill, and near death, and I asked her if she was ready to meet God in eternity. Her answer was so chilling that I don’t think I’ll ever forget her words. “I know what you want me to tell you,” she said, “that I believe in Jesus, and have received Him as my Savior. But I can’t do that.” Then she concluded with these words: “I’ve spent my whole life perfecting my belief system, and I can’t turn my back on it now.”

I was so shocked by her answer, and so shaken that I could hardly speak. Here was an intelligent, educated woman, and even with eternity so very near, she was turning her back on the One true and living God.

From the beginning of time, God reached out to us. The Bible says that “God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Surely if you hear that, surely if you understand that, you will respond to God’s love by loving Him in return. Surely you will, because I honestly don’t know what more God can do!


Willie Jordan

Fred Jordan Missions