What Values Are You Teaching?

Michael Josephson, former Los Angeles law professor and ethicist said, "I have come to the conclusion that it is not a matter of parents not teaching values. They are just teaching the wrong values."

How do parents teach wrong values? Simple. They allow their daily lives to be the tutor for their children, and sadly, their children learn all of their bad values, bad habits and bad language. 

Our children had two parents, and my heart goes out to single mothers who struggle to raise their children without the loving hand of a father, to clearly lay down the guidelines for life, and to be the strong, godly example children need in a father. 

Fred taught our sons to be gentlemen, not by words, but by his example. He always opened the car door for me, he opened the door to a building, stood when a woman entered the room, helped me put on my coat. Today all four of my sons are perfect gentlemen, and my young grandsons are learning the same from them.

When our son, Tom, was in kindergarten, the school principal called us into his office. He told us that Tom was always polite, never fought with other children, and he felt that wasn’t “normal.” Then the principal added, “He is a perfect, 5-year old adult.”

Oops! We goofed! We thought we were supposed to teach our children to “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Parents, God’s values are the right values. Don’t let the world’s system tell you otherwise. Teach God’s Word and His values to your children with words, and also with your example. 

Please help us continue teaching God’s values and principles to children and adults here in the inner city. 1-844-FJM-FOOD is our toll free number. Use a credit card when you phone 1-844-FJM-FOOD, or when you donate online, fjm.org.

Willie Jordan

Fred Jordan Missions