What's in Your Hand?

Moses was tending sheep when God appeared to him out of a burning bush, telling him to go to Pharaoh, and ask him to release the Hebrew people from hundreds of years of slavery. Moses answered, “Who am I? I’m a nobody.” 

But God cut through his excuses and said, “I will be with you.” Then God called Moses to lead the children of Israel, and he had another excuse: “They won’t believe me.” 

That’s when God said, “What is that in your hand?” Moses said, “A rod.” God said, “Throw it on the ground.” Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake. Then God said to Moses, “Put out your hand and take it by the tail.” He did, and it became a rod again.

The rod symbolized God’s presence and power. The rod struck the rock and produced water. The rod held up before the people, produced victory in battle. The rod held aloft, parted the waters of the sea. The rod of Moses was a powerful reminder of God’s presence and power.

Here is the bottom line: God took what Moses had, blessed it, and used it to accomplish His purposes. It was only a piece of wood, but it became extraordinary when God touched it. 

What’s in your hand that God can use?” It may not seem to be very much in your eyes. But when you give it to God. He will use it for His glory. 


Willie Jordan

Fred Jordan Missions