Do We Really Have Faith to Believe?

Can you imagine anything more inspiring than pursuing the dreams God has for your life?

The inscription on the sundial outside the entrance to Union Station in Los Angeles reads: Vision to See, Faith to Believe, Courage to Do.

When Fred founded this ministry in 1944, he had a limitless vision from God to win the lost to Christ, and to serve the poor around the world. But Fred also had a limitless faith to believe that God would provide the funds to make that vision a reality.

I believe that something magical happens to us when God gives us a vision that so captures our imaginations that we want to give ourselves wholeheartedly to it. We become dedicated to its fulfillment. It captures our attention and awakens our passion.

We believe in the vision, we commit ourselves to it, and because we believe in our vision, we persevere, even beyond the level of common sense or logic. This is what faith is about.

Faith is at the center of our life with Christ. We say we are saved by faith, and we say we live by faith, but what is faith? Soren Kierkegaard, the great philosopher and radical Christian of the 19th century, said faith was like floating in a deep ocean. If we panic and struggle, if we tense up and thrash about, we will eventually sink. But if we relax and trust, we will float, no matter how deep the water.

That is the challenge, isn’t it? When we learn to relax in the water, to let go of our fear, we can trust in God, and believe in His ability to hold us up. “Do not fear,” says God in the words of the prophet Isaiah, “for I have redeemed you; I have call you by name, you are mine. I will be with you/ Do not fear, for I am with you.” (Isaiah 43:1-5)

Friend, when the Lord calls us to follow Him, trust God with your life and with your future. God is faithful. Do not be afraid. Have faith to believe.


Willie Jordan

Jasmin Balboa