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An Impact Partner is someone who chooses to impact the lives of hungry and homeless people in need through a monthly contribution to Fred Jordan Missions


This commitment gives the Mission the ability to better budget the monthly expenses and bring HOPE to those who need it most throughout the year




Impact Partners help share the good news of the gospel in the Missions’ Chapel Services and in the streets and back alleys of Skid Row


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$40/mo can provide a whole month of meals for an individual on Skid Row




Help us give the Hope of Jesus to the hopeless





$30/mo can provide a backpack, new outfit, school supplies, and more to a child in need


“Becoming an Impact Partner with Fred Jordan Missions has been an amazing opportunity for me to care for and love the people of Skid Row as well as reach out to families in need through my $50 pledge.”

- Tom B.



$25/mo can provide a Grocery Box to a family in need


We are committed to:

- Declaring and Demonstrating the Love of Jesus

- Feed Hungry People

- Providing Basic Need for Impoverished Families
