“What can we do, where do we turn, what is the solution?”


Our nation is hurting; our nation is suffering; America has been through a lot of horror in recent weeks with the unimaginable happening to our neighbors in Gilroy, California as well as in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio where innocent victims of all ages were the target of these senseless shootings.

People are quick to point fingers and they blame our President, Congress, and government leaders for these tragedies.

There is so much political division and social unrest that it’s easy to throw up our hands and say, “What can we do, where do we turn, what is the solution?”"

"Let me assure you, this is not a “political” problem needing a “political” solution.

This is a spiritual battle for the hearts and souls of people!"

"The Bible plainly tells us in 2 Timothy 3:1, “But know this, that in the last days

perilous times will come.” But Jesus also tells us in John 16:33 that, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

So what is the solution for the issues of our world?

Jesus Christ and the life-transforming power of His gospel to transform hearts and change lives from the inside out!"

"In just a few short weeks, Fred Jordan Missions will once again bless thousands of needy children with the supplies they need to go back to school prepared

and equipped to learn - things like new shoes, clothes, backpacks, school

supplies, haircuts, hygiene items and a hot meal from In N Out Burger -- but the greatest gift we can give them is the opportunity to know Jesus Christ personally as we present the gospel and invite them to receive Jesus into their hearts as their Lord and Savior.

Will you pray along with us for the souls of these young people to be transformed through the power of God? Will you pray for hearts to be touched and for God’s love to infiltrate every piece of their heart and mind. Will you stand with us for the souls of Los Angeles? We can’t do it alone.

Because I know you care, thank you in advance for all you will do to bless these children and help bring change to broken and hurting hearts."

Serving Jesus Together,

Joe Jordan - President/Senior Pastor
Willie Jordan - Chairman of the Board

Fred Jordan Missions