“It’s one thing to BE POOR, it’s another thing to LOOK POOR.”
That’s a statement I have often heard my mother, Willie Jordan, say. Most of the time, this applied to our conversations about children and their school clothes.
As a child, she can remember living in Arkansas and going to school in a tattered dress and no shoes. Humiliated and embarrassed, but that was the reality of being raised in a large family with barely enough money for food, much less for clothes.
According to U.S. Census recent estimates, LA County is home to over 10M. 18.2% of all people in LA County live below the poverty level, including 26.6% children. The quick math on that is 1.8M total people, with over 480,000 of those being children.
It seems like an uphill battle. These statistics are not going down; they are going up, but the Jordan family, my parents, Fred and Willie, stayed in the fight, and yes, today, I’m geared up for battle.
You may ask, what are you doing about it, Joe?
Where do I begin?
In August, we are preparing for our “Back to School Giveaway,” which is something my mother started back over 35 years ago. This is, for lack of a better term, an “Extravaganza.”
In just a few weeks, we will be giving away thousands of pairs of brand-new shoes to the children of Los Angeles!
In preparation for them returning to school, they will receive socks (you need new socks for those new shoes), new clothes, backpacks, school supplies, and hygiene and toiletries kits with toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, and so much more.
I really want to emphasize the word new because I want you to know that these are not hand-me-down items. With your help and your support, we only give the best, so these items are NEW.
My mother fully understands the importance of sending these precious children to school with fresh, clean new shoes, clothes, and also a smile on their faces, and I understand the importance too.
$25 | $50 | $100 | $200 | $500 | $1,000 | $1,500
Will you give a special gift to support these efforts? If you’ve never donated, know that your gift can and will change the life of a child!
Thank you for joining me in this ministry. Thank you for giving. God bless you!
President/Senior Pastor