How long could you live....without Hope?
Dear Friend,
I read a quote from Hal Lindsay, author of the Late Great Planet Earth. He said... “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air...but only one second without hope.”
At Fred Jordan Missions, we are living testaments to this statement. So often I talk about the people who walk through our doors hopeless, something in life has happened to these poor souls long before they end up here.
I’ve talked to former Bank Presidents who let success become their God and ultimately ruin their life, leading them down a path of destruction...
They ended up walking through the Mission doors.
I’ve talked to former athletes who suffered an injury or who couldn’t handle the pressure and turned to drugs to help them cope...
They ended up walking through the Mission doors.
I’ve talked to fathers who lost their job and masked their embarrassment and humiliation by turning to alcohol, eventually losing everything...
They ended up walking through the Mission doors.
Not everyone who comes to us is addicted,
but without a doubt everyone has lost hope.
A few days ago I was in front of the Mission where two little girls were riding bikes, followed closely behind by their mom and dad. This family was not addicted to a substance - no, they were victims of a horrific hurricane in Alabama last fall. Their home was damaged and uninhabitable, so they headed West to California to start a new life, far away from the loss and pain they left behind. When things didn’t work out the way they’d hoped -- and with no money and and no shelter -- they ended up on Skid Row right by the Mission, hopeless.
Fred Jordan Missions is an anchor from the storms of life. God has called us to extend a hand to those who are hurting, to help pull them in and to offer them the Hope of Jesus.
To the heroin addict; to the mother who lost a child; to the Bank President who lost their career; to the family who lost their home – we Declare the Hope that is found in Jesus Christ, then Demonstrate His love by comforting them, giving them a shoulder to cry on, offering a hug of compassion and support, feeding them a hot, nourishing meal, and providing clothing, blankets and hygiene items to help in time of need.
And we’re able to do this because of friends like you.
Will you stand with me to continue bringing Hope to those in need? I recognize you have a heart of compassion, so I’m asking you to give generously today.
Thank you in advance for doing all you can to help those in need on Skid Row through Fred Jordan Missions – where HOPE IS SERVED HERE!
Serving Jesus Together,
Joe Jordan - President/Senior Pastor
Willie Jordan - Chairman of the Board