“Be flexible lest ye be broken.” I like that statement in regards to “Change.”
Sometimes, I don’t like change, though sometimes it is unavoidable.
In our world today, we have all had to learn to bend, be flexible, and roll with changes as they happen.
Over the past year, there have been numerous changes we have made at Fred Jordan Missions. We’ve had to adapt to continue to love and provide for so many in need.
The word “continue” is the key verb here because we have never stopped or paused. Our methods or output may have changed, but our love and compassion grow stronger every day.
A prime example of this was during our recent Back to School Giveaway, where over 2,000 children and their parents arrived in their cars. During this drive-through event, we spent the day meeting these underprivileged students and handing out brand new shoes and clothes to those ages 5 to 18. For moms and dads, we distributed family food boxes.
Throughout the day, the smiles, tears, high fives, and hugs were so heartfelt, very emotional, and—honestly—I thought of “YOU” with every emotion I felt.
You may ask, “Joe, why were you thinking of me?”
The answer is because, if it weren’t for you, we would not see these smiles and tears or receive hugs and thank you’s.
This is not only about Fred Jordan Missions but about you sending us out to do the work of ministry. Your gifts help provide food, clothing, hygiene products, and the hope of Jesus to thousands.
“Without Fred Jordan Missions, we would have nothing.”
Parents came to our drive-through giveaway hungry, hurting, and hopeless, and we gave them hope...
ALEX G. - “My kids had nothing new to wear to school, but you provided them with shoes and clothes. I have been out of work and barely have money to keep food on the table. Thank you for caring and giving. Because of Fred Jordan Missions, they now are excited to get to school!”
MARIA S. - “This is amazing. I am so thankful for people who care. It is truly an incredible blessing. Without Fred Jordan Missions, we would have nothing.”
Friend, if you did not have a chance to be a part of Back to School, then NOW is your chance to give. We are entering our Season of Giving, which is our busiest time of the year. In only a few weeks, I will share Thanksgiving with those living on the streets by feeding them a hot, delicious Thanksgiving meal (and like my mom, Willie would say), “with all the trimmings.”
Additionally, we will distribute family food boxes to hundreds of families who will drive to the Mission with enough food to feed a family of eight.
Don’t miss out on your opportunity to bless families this Thanksgiving. Many will come and serve on that day. But, if that’s not possible for you, then please give as generously as possible. (For more information about serving, go to
$55 | $75 | $100 | $250 | $500| $1,000
I talked earlier about change, but I wanted to reiterate one fact—something that never changes: the power of the Gospel. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the hope of the world, and your gift helps Fred Jordan Missions proclaim that truth as we declare and demonstrate the love of Jesus.
When you support Fred Jordan Missions, you help bring hope to thousands of those who are hurting and hopeless.
God Bless,
Joe Jordan
President/Senior Pastor
PS: Tune in for encouragement to Fred Jordan Missions’ television broadcast every Sunday on KCOP Los Angeles Channel 13. You can also check out our Youtube Channel by going to Or, you can click this link to get connected and never miss an episode.