To love someone unconditionally requires no vetting


Have you ever heard the statement, “This is the Gospel truth?” Well, here is one:

God commanded us to love one another.

We do not need to verify if this statement is legitimate. It is in the Bible.

The Bible is our guide for life. It was written in its standard form over 2,000 years ago, is the most read book of all time, tops the best sellers list every year, and is the most sold book of all time. With 3.9 billion copies sold in the past 50 years alone, no other book comes close.

During the last few weeks, we have loved daily on thousands of families desperately needing help. As I stood in numerous food distribution lines helping load food boxes into cars and hand out hot, nutritional meals, I thought about this Scripture. It is really a commandment.

“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”

John 15:12 (NKJV)


God sent His Son to die on the cross for you and me. That is the ultimate demonstration of love – dying for someone. Note the last part of the Scripture above is, “as I have loved you.” Wow, that is heavy. So, when I am commanded to love others, I think it is much easier than dying for someone. I can definitely do that.

To love someone unconditionally requires no vetting. There is no security checkpoint or screening on Skid Row. I do not know why people are driving through for help or standing in line for food. It is not my job to judge or question that fact. All I know is that they are there because they are broken, hurting, in pain, weak, sick, discouraged, suffering, and, yes, feeling unloved.

Therefore, both you and I can simply do what God commands us to do: Love one another.

I know you are someone capable of loving. You have shown that through your prayers and support of Fred Jordan Missions. Whether you have given $10 or $1,000 in the past, I would like you to consider showing another act of love by giving once again. No gift is too great or too small.

$25 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000 | $1,500

Whether you give a single dollar or $5 or $10, it all counts, and we will put it all toward feeding and helping serve those in need.

I also encourage you to make Fred Jordan Missions and all our food outreaches part of your monthly giving. Will you consider becoming an Impact Partner with a recurring monthly gift?

Together, you and I can make a difference in the lives of so many. Together, let us love one another as Jesus loves us.

God Bless,

Joe Jordan

President/Senior Pastor
