Children - The Invisible Victims

“Youth Adrift, at Risk in U.S., Study Warns,” read the newspaper headline. The article said that nearly half of the nation’s youth are at risk of damaging their lives through harmful behavior, according to a Carnegie report.

The journey from childhood to adolescence has always been perilous, but today American children have less adult supervision, and many become victims of twisted predators.

Here in the inner city of Los Angeles, children are often exposed to violence and crime more often than adults, leaving them with lasting physical, mental, and emotional harm. And even worse, these victims often become perpetrators of further violence.

I have seldom talked with adults here on Skid Row who did not personally experience horrible physical and sexual violence as a child, and these experiences stay with them throughout their entire lives.

Jesus often presented children as an example of the type of faith adults are to have. When Jesus blessed the children, He told His disciples, “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Mark 10:15).

Jesus blessed the children. He spoke about a child’s humility and simple acceptance that we all should follow, a pure, unassuming, humble faith that allows us to receive God’s gift of salvation without pretention or hypocrisy.

When we come to Jesus like a child, we believe that God is who He says He is. When we come like a child, we can humbly depend on our Heavenly Father for both spiritual and physical provision.

Please help us reach the children while their hearts are still tender, and open to the love of Jesus. Help us bless the children who have already been abused, so they can feel His healing touch. For the sake of these children, for the sake of Jesus, and, perhaps, for your sake too, I pray that you will join us to bless the children.

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Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions