Don't Take the Glory!
After the lamb beggar was healed, he clung to Peter and John, and Peter told him, “Don’t look at us! It’s a gift from God!”
Simon the sorcerer thought he could buy the ability to impart the Holy Spirit to people. Peter told him, “Don’t look at us—it is a gift from God!” Paul and Barnabas healed a crippled man. Again, Paul told them, “Don’t look at us!”
Friend, when God uses us in His kingdom, we should always be quick to acknowledge what Peter acknowledged: It’s not me. It’s Jesus!
It reminds me of the story of the elephant and the flea. They were inseparable, and often walked and talked together. One day they were walking and they came to a flimsy wooden bridge spanning a deep gorge. They walked across, and the bridge swayed and creaked under the weight of the elephant. Once they were across, the flea asked his big friend, “Did you notice how we shook that bridge?”
Paul was greatly used of God, but, in reality, he was simply like the flea – he was totally dependent upon someone much bigger than himself. We would do well to remember how Paul viewed his own abilities in 2 Corinthians 3:5 LB, “Our only power and success comes from God.”
Never try to take glory for yourself. Everything we have comes from God!
The streets of Skid Row are crowded with lame beggars. Will you help us lift up the Name of Jesus here on these streets of Skid Row? Thousands of women, children and men are still sitting at the gate, just as helpless as the lame beggar.
The most important thing I have learned from a lifetime of working with the poor here on Skid Row, and in our missions around the world, and that is that their greatest need is not money, education, food, clothing or even housing. Their greatest need is what you and I need: it is the miracle-working power of Jesus’ touch.
Peter and John told the lame beggar, “Such as I have, give I unto you.” Please help us share this same message here on Skid Row. You may use a credit card when you donate on our website, If it’s more convenient, make your check payable to Fred Jordan Mission, and mail it to me, Willie Jordan, PO BOX 12345, Covina, CA 91722.
Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)