Compassion of Jesus
Tagore was a well-known poet in India. One morning his servant was late coming to work, and Tagore became more angry by the minute, as he waited for him to arrive.
Tagore has already decided to fire the servant by the time he arrived and began his duties, and he said to the man, "Stop what you’re doing and get out. You’re fired." The man kept sweeping and quietly said, "My little girl died last night."
This incident points up a great need in the world today – the need for compassion. The dictionary says compassion is "consciousness of the sufferings of another, together with the urge to help."
The Scripture says, “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.
When He saw the multitudes, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”
What a beautiful picture of our Savior – “moved with compassion.” The New Testament seems to emphasize the virtue of compassion above all others in the life and ministry of Christ. I believe this is because God wanted each one of us to realize how important it is for us to exhibit compassion in our relationships with others.
The object of our Lord’s compassion was always people, not programs. When Jesus was with the leper, the widow, the blind men, and the needy multitudes, He was moved with compassion. He came to seek and to save, whether they were blind or hungry, sick or saddened, the Lord was compassionate.
The recipients of Christ’s compassion were people in desperate need of help. And above all, they needed salvation. Please, will you help us reach out with His compassion to lost souls here on Skid Row?
You may use a credit card or EFT when you donate on our website,, or when you phone 1-844-FJM-FOOD. Or mail your check to me here at the Mission, PO BOX 12345, Covina, CA 91740.
Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)