Dad Collected People

The phone rang and my daughter, Miki Kim, said, “Mom, I just realized that Dad “collected” people.” 

My daughter went on to say, “My father took in forgotten people, people that no one else valued, people that no one else wanted. Dad saw them for what they could become, even when they couldn’t see it themselves.”

Miki and I discussed several people that Fred had “collected” through the years. And then we talked about Martin Brett, a businessman who drank too much booze from the bar in the bowling alley he owned, and he ended up on Skid Row. 

Martin even sold his own blood to a Skid Row blood bank for $3.00 a pint to buy another bottle of cheap whiskey, or “rot-gut,” as the guys on the street called it. 

One day when Martin walked out of the blood bank, he was approached by Everett Roberts who shared the gospel with him. Within a few minutes, Martin, the man who had sold his own blood for cheap whiskey, asked Jesus Christ to save him through the blood He shed on the cross for our sins. 

After Martin went through the Mission’s discipleship training, Fred asked Martin to be the Director of the Mission here on Skid Row, where he served alongside Fred for 26 years, until his death. So, I guess Miki was right when she said that Fred “collected” people like Martin, a forgotten man here on the streets of Skid Row.

We continue to collect forgotten men, women and children here at the Mission on Skid Row, as we bring them to the cross of Christ. 

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Willie L. Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions