God Announced the Birth to Lowly Shepherds

“Into the hovels of the poor, Into the dark streets where the homeless groan, God speaks: "I've had enough; I will rescue them, as they have longed for me to do." The psalmist must haves been writing about America’s inner cities!

Skid Row is not a pretty place. It’s ugly, dangerous, filthy, heartbreaking, sad, and destructive. No place for children and families. Yet, children and their mothers are here. One five-year-old boy told me, “There are roaches crawling everywhere. I’m always afraid.”

Christmas is almost here. And while most of us are decorating colorful trees, stringing sparkling lights and baking Christmas goodies, the hungry, the homeless, and the poor have very little to celebrate. They don’t have a real home, and no tree to decorate. Many live in hovels, and groan on the dark streets, as the psalmist wrote. But one glance at the heart of God in the Old Testament and Christ’s actions in the New Testament shows us God’s special interest in the disadvantaged.

I need your help at Christmas. Please call 1-844-FJM-FOOD or donate on our secure website, www.fjm.org. You can also mail your donation to PO Box 12345, Covina, CA, 91722

God loves the poor. He even sent angels to lowly shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus, rather than announcing the birth to the powerful and the rich. The angel’s message is for the poor today, and it’s for you and me: "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”

Please help me welcome into the Mission all of the lonely, the poor, the hungry and the homeless, as we announce God’s Good News that a Savior has been born! I need food for thousands of Christmas Dinner Food Bags, warm clothes for children, warm blankets, and even new toys for the kids. A Savior has been born!


Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Jasmin Balboa