Hudson Taylor's Praying Mother

"She went to her room alone and turned the key in the door, to plead with God for her son’s salvation, and resolving not to leave that spot until her prayers were answered. She stayed on her knees until her heart flooded with a joyful assurance that her prayers were heard, and answered. 

This is the prayer of a mother who for the salvation of her only son one Saturday afternoon in 1849. Later that day her son told her that he had become a Christian. His name was Hudson Taylor, one of the great missionary leaders of all time. He spent 51 years in China, founding the China Inland Mission. He trained and sent well over a thousand gospel missionaries to China, and personally brought countless thousands of Chinese people to Christ.

Taylor was known for his sensitivity to Chinese culture and his zeal for evangelism, and he has been called one of the most significant Europeans to visit China in the 19th Century. When he was no longer physically able to serve the people of China, Hudson Taylor inspired over one thousand other missionaries to take his place. And it all started with a praying mother.

Most of the women on Skid Row didn’t have a praying mother. That’s why this Mother’s Day I would like to give these mothers the gift of your prayers. Just knowing that someone cares can make a world of difference to precious, lonely, abused women. I would like to sign your first name in a lovely Mother’s Day card, and give it to one of the mothers here in the inner city, assuring her of your prayers. (No address, of course) 

Hudson Taylor’s mother prayed earnestly for her son’s salvation, and God answered. Will you join me in praying for mothers here on Skid Row who have no one else to pray for them?

Please go to our website,, or write to me, Willie Jordan, PO BOX 12345, Covina, CA 91722 and let me know you will pray. And if you can enclose a donation to help us feed these struggling mothers and children, I will be deeply grateful. 


Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions