I Don't Have a Nickel. Walk!

Peter said, “I don’t have a nickel to my name, but what I do have, I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!” He grabbed him, pulled him up, and he jumped to his feet and walked.

This is one of the most dramatic moments in Scripture. Peter, simply following the pattern of Jesus, saw a man in desperate need, he reached out with the hand of faith, and taking no credit for himself, brought salvation and healing, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up”

Crippled from birth, the poor lame beggar had never walked, never played ball with other kids, never climbed a tree, and never held a job. He sat outside the Temple gate, which seems symbolic of his life. I sometimes wonder if he felt he was also outside the blessings of God.

Here on the streets I meet so many people who feel just as this lame beggar must have felt – they have given up on the possibility that things in their life could be better. Maybe you also feel like the lame beggar, holding out your hand, looking for something, or someone, who can drop something into your hand?

Peter and John told the lame beggar that there is more to life than coins of silver and gold, more to life than “things.” The real need of each one of us is a living, vital relationship with Jesus Christ. As He walks by today, I invite you receive the eternal spiritual healing He offers you.

Don’t be like the lame beggar, especially since you know that the King of the universe offers forgiveness for your past, peace for today, and assurance of an eternity with him. If we can help you, please contact us.

We have been here on Skid Row since 1944, reaching out with God’s love to all the lame beggars who have been abandoned and rejected by family and friends. Please join us in saying with Peter and John, “Such as I have, give I unto you.”

1-844-FJM-FOOD is our toll-free number for your donation. You may use a credit card when you phone, or when you donate through our website, fjm.org.


Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Jasmin Balboa