Imagine a World Without Family
Imagine a world without Family! And suddenly everything in your life was gone. No job, no money, no home, no food.
Most of us have faced tough situations at some time in our lives, and where do we turn first? If you're like most of us, you turn to your family. I came from a large family, and regardless of what any one of us faced, we always knew our family would be there for us.
What would YOU do if you were alone, like most of my friends here on Skid Row? When they got into drugs, prison, or even worse, the "safety net" of family wasn't there, and they ended up on these streets, alone.
My late husband, Fred, started the Mission for these “forgotten people,” and we have been here for more than 70 years because there are so many people in this world who have no one. Fred and I had each other, and we were blessed with seven children, and our family has been a continual source of blessing and support.
Yet, here on Skid Row, there are thousands of abandoned, abused people who are alone – no one to turn to, and frankly, no who cares whether they live or die.
However, thanks to your support, we welcome all of these hungry, lost, forgotten people to be part of the Fred Jordan Mission family. This is a place where they will find a warm embrace, a kind word, a hot meal, new clothes, warm blankets, and someone to care. And we lovingly tell them that through the blood of Jesus Christ, we become part of God’s family.
Can you imagine a world without family? I can’t. But as long as we continue to work together there will always be a family at Fred Jordan Mission for those who need it most. Please join us by phoning toll free, 1-844-FJM-FOOD. Use a credit card when you call, or when you donate online,