Where is Your Courage?

We are living in an extraordinary time. The world is in chaos. People are fearful. Yet, our opportunities for preaching the gospel are almost limitless, and these opportunities call for a clear vision, faith, and courage.

Surely there is nothing worse than a child of God losing their vision and faith to follow God, simply because they lack the courage to do what God has called them to do.

The Lord gave Fred a very clear vision for his life: to seek and to save the lost, and to serve those whom Jesus called, “the least of these.” Fred had the faith to believe God to provide what was needed to make that vision a reality. And like Moses said to God, when he was called to lead the children of Israel, “If your Presence does not go with us, we can’t go on from here.”

God will never call us to do anything in our own strength. When God calls, we can always be assured that His presence will go with us. Courage to follow doesn’t mean that we’re not afraid of the challenges. It doesn’t mean that we know where the funds will come from to meet all the needs. Courage means that we know our Father God, and we trust Him more than we trust man!

For more than 70 years, I have watched our faithful God provide tens of millions of meals for starving orphans in Korea, hungry children in Ghana and Liberia, Africa, refugee children in Hong Kong, and right here on Skid Row. We have trained and sent well over 500 missionaries and their families to Africa, Asia and Latin America. God has provided partners like you to help us build missions, schools, orphanages and churches, and it has all been accomplished by faith in our awesome God!

More than 70 years ago Fred coined a phrase, and I have never seen it fail: Where God guides, He always provides!


Willie Jordan

Fred Jordan Missions