More Things Are Wrought by Prayer…

So powerful, so penetrating, so pervasive is the power of prayer that the great poet Tennyson once said, “More things are wrought by prayer than this world ever dreams of.”

I have served the lost and the lonely for nearly 70 years, and time and time again here on the streets of Skid Row, I’ve seen situations so desperate . . . so hopeless . . . so overwhelming from earth’s point of view that no amount of man’s help could have turned the tide. It’s during these times that I’ve seen the power of prayer to move God’s hand, and unlock the infinite resources of heaven!

I have set aside the last Tuesday of this month to pray for you, and the things on your heart. Mail your prayer requests to me, Willie Jordan, PO BOX 12345, Covina, CA 91722, or go to our website,

I would also like to ask you to join with me in praying for the little families and children here in the inner city - - that we might help keep their lives from being permanently scarred by sin and violence. Pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit on all the shattered lives on these streets - - and a transformation so radical and so powerful that His Name will be glorified.

When you send your requests, please let me know that you will set aside a few minutes on the last Tuesday of this month to join us in praying. Together we will continue to see God's power released not only in our own lives, and the lives of our families, but also in the lives of the families the Mission serves each day.

When you write or go to our website, please remember that hungry people on these streets look to the Mission for their daily bread.


Willie L. Jordan

Fred Jordan Missions