Seek the Lord

“Seek the Lord while He may be found. . .” Are there any more beautiful words in any language than these found in Isaiah?

Many years ago, Rudyard Kipling, the beloved writer, poet, novelist and author of The Jungle Book, was very sick. When one of his nurses asked him if he wanted anything, he softly murmured, “I want God.”

I believe every human being is searching for God. Augustine said it this way: “Thou has made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” 

But when we begin searching for Him, we discover that He has already been searching for us. The parable of the lost sheep reminds us of God’s love for each one of us. The shepherd had ninety-nine sheep safely in his sheepfold, yet he went out on the hillside to find his one lost sheep. Friend, our loving God is the Good Shepherd, and He will keep searching for us until He finds us, and carries us back to His sheepfold. 

A reporter told the story of visiting a man sentenced to life in prison for murder. When he entered the man’s cell, he saw the iconic picture of the Good Shepherd hanging on the wall of the cell. The prisoner explained, “Long ago my mother had a picture like that. She always told me that no matter what I did, if I was truly sorry, one day the Good Shepherd would find me and take me back to His fold.”

God sent His Only Son, Jesus, to find us, and bring us Home. “Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call on Him while He is near.”

If you want to know Jesus today, go to our website,, and click on the tab, Know God. 

And if you can help us reach out to His lost sheep here on Skid Row, I would be deeply grateful. Please make your donation check payable to Fred Jordan Mission, and mail it to me, here at the Mission: Willie Jordan PO BOX 12345, COVINA, CA 91722. Or you may donate through our website,, using a credit card or an Electronic Funds Transfer directly online. Thank you. 

The Fred Jordan Mission has had a weekly television program since 1951. Join my family and me, every Sunday morning, 8:00 AM, KCOP-TV, Channel 13. 


Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan)

Fred Jordan Missions