Robert Louis Stevenson, as a small boy, loved to watch the old lamp lighter go down the street. One night he said to his nanny, "Look, that man is putting holes in the darkness."
That is exactly what happens to us when we survey the cross – God’s Light stabs life's murky gloom and sin's midnight turns into the high noon of forgiveness! God's radical X-ray, His laser beam of love, burns our sins away, shrivels them into nothingness in the brightness of Calvary's glorious light.
That's a pretty fair description of what has happened to us. In our helplessness and darkness, in the midnight of the soul, God pierces the black gloom of our night. When we look at the cross, it’s light gives us forgiveness, strength and peace. Talk about turning midnight into high noon!
Our only chance of victory over our sin is through Jesus Christ and the atoning grace of His cross. There is no question but that we all need liberation from sin. Our sins may not be the same, but the needs of humankind are all essentially the same - we need forgiveness! This is the truth of the Gospel.
When Michael Faraday, the great scientist, lay dying, a friend asked him, "What are your speculations?" Gently, Faraday replied, "Speculations? I have none. I know Whom I have believed. I rest my soul upon certainties!"
Friend, when we receive Jesus, who hung on that tree for us, we have the certainty of forgiveness of our sins, and the certainty of spending eternity with Him. Have you asked Him to be your Savior?
If we can help you, please write me, Willie Jordan, PO BOX 12345, Covina, CA 91722. Or go to our website,, and click on Know God.
And when you write, or go to our website, we would be grateful if you could make a donation to help us share the Gospel here on Skid Row.
Willie Jordan