But We Have Also Seen LOVE

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I want you to know that I am praying for you, your family, your job and financial stability, your peace and security, and your future.

These last several weeks, you and I have seen events take place that are unprecedented. We have lived through a pandemic, quarantine, curfews, protests, and riots. We have witnessed division displayed at every level.

But we have also seen love and harmony, with men and women coming together and uniting, standing together, kneeling together, and praying together.

I want you to know that, since 1944, my dad, Fred Jordan, served on the streets of Los Angeles, ministering to the hurting and homeless, with my mom by his side. When he passed away, my mom carried on his work for over 30 years. And now, I am here, serving, caring, and sharing the only hope for today and tomorrow, which is the message of Jesus Christ.

For decades, these harsh, brutal streets have been home to so many men, women, and children of every race, color, and creed. They walk and sometimes crawl through our doors, and, when they do, we love-on each one of them. We hold their hands in times of need, feed them when they are hungry, and clothe them when they have nothing.

$35 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000

Your most generous gift is needed more today than ever before because today’s needs are greater than ever. Thank you!

Serving Jesus Together, 

Joe Jordan- President/Senior Pastor Chairman of the Board 

Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan) - Chairman of the Board 

Fred Jordan Missions