He can take what is a mess and turn it into a message...


The New Normal. What does that look like? What does that even mean?

Given what you and I have lived through over the last five months, that is an easy question for us to ponder and discuss.

Though things of this world have changed and what we knew as unfamiliar are now all-too-familiar, I lean on God’s Word. So, be encouraged because Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Our Heavenly Father, the author of creation, assures me that He can takewhat has been turned upside down and turn it right-side up. He can take what is a mess and turn it into a message.

Recently, I was introduced to a man who was nicely dressed, had a clean shirt and jeans on, was clean-shaven, and had his hair combed. When I met him, I felt like I knew him but could not place where or how I knew him.

We shook hands, then he reached into his pocket and handed me an envelope. The envelope had some cash in it – a few hundred dollars. Hesaid, “You fed me, you clothed me, you shared the love of Jesus with me, and you genuinely cared for me. Now, here is my chance to give back andhelp you do the same for others."

I learned this man had, at one point, lived a very “normal” life. But then, his world was turned upside down, life got messy, and he was homeless, living on the streets for years. And yes, Fred Jordan Missions helped him get through that difficult season of life.

Eventually, he was able to get off the streets and get a job. He is now living a new life and wants to invest in other hopeless people, helping men and women get off these streets and live a “new life” themselves.

$35 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000

It was your donations that helped us help him, and we are so grateful for that. Never forget that Fred Jordan Missions is here every day “Declaring and Demonstrating The Love of Jesus” with those in need - from Skid Row in Los Angeles to impoverished neighborhoods in the Coachella Valley andbeyond.

Please continue to give. We need your help more today than ever before. And do not lose heart or lose hope. Keep your trust in the hands of Jesus.

Serving Jesus Together, 

Joe Jordan- President/Senior Pastor Chairman of the Board 

Willie Jordan (Mrs. Fred Jordan) - Chairman of the Board 

Fred Jordan Missions