One year ago, life was beginning to make sense for most Americans. Unemployment was at an all-time low, the stock market was rising, and the U.S. poverty level was trending downward. But then, out of nowhere, we were hit with this world-wide pandemic of Covid-19.

The unthinkable happened. A few weeks after our nation complied with our leader’s orders to slow the spread, Easter was canceled, and we were asked not to publicly celebrate Easter.

When has that ever happened in the history of the world?

Now that we are only weeks away from Easter 2021, I began thinking about what the weeks leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion were like for Him and why we celebrate it today.

You would think, even back then, that the life of Jesus was going pretty well. After all, He was the Son of God. He talked about love, peace, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life.

Miracles happened everywhere He went: Blind eyes were opened. The crippled could walk. Thousands were fed with only five loaves of bread and two fish as they multiplied miraculously in His hands.

Then one day, murmuring and rumors started. People scoffed and doubted. It began at the house of Jesus’ friend Lazarus when Mary washed His feet with expensive perfume. Judas questioned her reason for “wasting” such a costly fragrance.

Then, as He entered Jerusalem, the multitudes praised Him, but the Pharisees and religious leaders wanted Him silenced. They, along with the chief priests, scribes, elders who hated him, met at the palace of Caiaphas to hatch a plan to kill Him.

In the end, Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot for 30 pieces of silver. Peter, His trusted disciple, denied Him, and ultimately, Jesus was falsely charged with treason and sentenced to death.

He was cursed, flogged, beaten, and spit on before ultimately being nailed to a cross. It was there that He died a brutal death.

You might say, “Joe, what is your point? Why are you recounting the weeks leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus? What does this have to do with today?”

My point is that, in 2021, we are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus! This year’s Easter celebration will not be canceled or ignored but celebrated more than ever before! (We will still follow the COVID-19 safety precautions of wearing masks and social distancing as we declare and demonstrate the love of Jesus.)

Our plan at Fred Jordan Missions is to shout it from the Mission’s roof, on the streets of Skid Row, and in the projects and neighborhoods of Los Angeles to the Coachella Valley:


$25 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000 | $1,500

This is what Easter 2021 will look like at Fred Jordan Missions, and I want you to be a part of sharing in this celebration.


We will declare the hope of Jesus, share His love, and allow people the opportunity to know Him personally.

We have thousands of Easter baskets that will be handed out from Skid Row to the Coachella Valley. These baskets will be packed with food to serve an entire family.

We will hand out Easter baskets filled with hygiene essentials like shampoo, soap, lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, brushes and – for those who need them – baby food and diapers for infants and toddlers! Each child will also receive a special Easter basket.

$25 = Provides a food box for families and individuals in need

$15 = Provides an Easter Basket of essentials and blankets for our friends in need

Your gift of $40 will go farther than ever before.

God is good. He is also faithful. We are grateful for friends like you who help us feed, clothe, and declare His goodness to others.

Remember, He has Risen!

Joe Jordan
President/Senior Pastor

Fred Jordan Missions