Take Cover


I was born, raised, and have resided in Southern California all my life. As a result, I have lived through many earthquakes. 

There have been thousands of tremors, most of which we do not feel. But then there are those we will never forget, such as the Sylmar (1971), Whittier Narrows (1987), Loma Prieta (1989), and Northridge earthquakes (1994). 

When an earthquake hits, there are instructions we should follow: 

  1. If you are indoors, drop and take cover under a sturdy table or doorway. Hold on and stay put until the shaking stops.

  2. Stay clear of items that can fall and injure you, such as windows, fireplaces, and heavy furniture.

That is great practical advice for an earthquake. 

As of late, I think of life as a major earthquake: circumstances are unpredictable, everything feels very unstable, our world seems shattered, and our very foundation of existence is being shaken. People are sick, losing their jobs, hurting, and are being shaken to the core. 

We are experiencing an “earthquake” in life. Therefore, I want to encourage you with some instructions for surviving: 

  1. God is Our Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

  2. God is Our Peace (John 14:27)

  3. God is Our Strength (Isaiah 41:10)

  4. God is Our Refuge (Psalm 91:1-2)

  5. God is Our Hope (Romans 15:13)


Know that, at Fred Jordan Missions, we are here to stand and pray with you in this time of doubt, worry, and fear. Remember: Jesus is unshakable! He is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). As I always say, “In an ever-changing world, we serve an unchanging God.”


$25 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000 | $1,500

Every day on the streets of Skid Row, surrounding communities of Los Angeles, and neighborhoods of the Coachella Valley, we bring comfort and help to those in need. The Mission and our drive-thru food distributions are the only lifelines for thousands who are hungry, cold, and afraid. We cannot help people without YOU. 

Today, your gifts will feed, clothe, and help those who have nothing, no matter their circumstances. The need is real, and the needs are now. 

Will you help us continue to reach them through your best gift possible today? 

I am not sure what the future holds, but I know who holds our future. Thank you for helping us help others in Jesus’ name. 

Joe Jordan 
President/Senior Pastor 

Fred Jordan Missions