Over 100 Years of Service


100 years of service noted: L.L. BEAN - CARHARTT - MAYTAG - COLGATE - HARPERCOLLINS

In a world of “supply and demand” for these companies, 100 years means an unbelievable number of toothpaste tubes, jackets, and work garments have been sold. It also means countless articles of clothing have been cleaned by Maytag washing machines for well over a century, which has been documented in books and magazines published by HarperCollins since the early 1800s. That is sustainability.

Similarly, since September 1944, literally millions of men, women, boys, and girls have come through the doors of Fred Jordan Missions on Skid Row. Combined with those served through Jordan Outreach Ministries, which my wife and I founded in September 1997, my family has been clothing, feeding, and helping those in need for over a combined 100 years.

Let that sink in for a minute.

I am not lumping Fred Jordan Missions into a “financial success” category. I am simply stating that, between Fred Jordan Missions and Jordan Outreach Ministries, we have been serving the lost, hungry, and hurting for over 100 years combined.

These ministries are not family businesses. They are callings from God, our Heavenly Father.


My mother often said, “I’d like to work myself out of a job, but the hurting and needy will be with us always.” So, today, as I ponder the incredible legacy God has bestowed upon our family, I am asking you and your family to pray for God’s continued guidance and sustainability for us so we can help serve and change the lives of those we encounter.

Then, I am asking you to give your most generous “one-time gift” right now or commit to giving monthly by becoming an impact partner.

$25 | $50 | $100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000 | $1,500

“He prayeth best, who loveth best

All things both great and small;

For the dear God who loveth us,

He made and loveth all.”

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Since May of 2020, we have seen the number of those in need grow and grow. That translates to an increase of over 400% in our food distributions on Skid Row and the surrounding communities. With summer upon us, we are also including fresh fruits and vegetables, climate-friendly socks, shoes, sandals, soap, and shampoo to our distributions, and the list goes on and on.

Thank you for believing so deeply in this work. Your gifts are allowing us to impact lives for Jesus one by one.

God Bless,

Joe Jordan

President/Senior Pastor

Fred Jordan Missions