The Joy of Christmas


“’Tis the Season to be Jolly!” 

That’s what the song says, right?  But in reality, many other sentiments come to mind, especially when doing things like trying to find a parking space at the mall.  Words like hectic, frustrated, and overwhelmed seem to be a bit more fitting, don’t you think?  

But when I think about the genuine reason for the season - Jesus and His glorious birth - there is an abundance of joy and hope that floods my heart because we have so much to be thankful for.   

A few days ago, we hosted our annual Thanksgiving Feast on Skid Row after concluding a Thanksgiving “Hope Rig” Outreach in the Coachella Valley.  It was such a blessing to greet, serve, and minister Jesus’ love to multitudes of homeless and impoverished men, women, children throughout both events.  It is for this reason, and more that I am truly thankful for what God is doing through this ministry.

In a few weeks from now, we will be sitting with our families at Christmastime to eat, laugh, share memories, and exchange gifts with one another.  But in only a few days from today, we will celebrate Christmas and our 75th Anniversary, with thousands of needy children and their families on the streets of Los Angeles.  

With your generous support, there will be no shortage of toys, holiday food bags, blankets, or Christmas cheer to go around.  There will be holiday music and singing. The good news of the gospel will be preached, so the Kingdom of Heaven can grow.  Thousands of toys will be handed out, family blankets will be distributed, and multiple food bags, overflowing with all of the holiday fixings, will be given to moms and dads to take home for their Christmas table.  It will be a fantastic day celebrating our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with all those He brings to “our table.” 

Will you join with us to make Christmas 2019 a season to remember for those in need?   Remember, poverty never takes a holiday.  It lingers day after day, year after year, and continues to increase exponentially.  But with your help, the JOY OF CHRISTMAS can be experienced by thousands of impoverished children and families.  Will you stand with us?

Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).  Truer words were never spoken.  Thank you for all you will do for children and families this December.  

Serving Jesus Together,

Joe Jordan - President/Senior Pastor
Willie Jordan - Chairman of the Board

Fred Jordan Missions